Distinguished Business Partners and Customers, Since 1990, when we entered into the business world with construction market, we have been touching your life and providing you with perfect services, un...
THE ADDRESS FOR RELIABILITY AND PROFESSIONALISM The foundations of the özyurtlar Group of Companies, operating in construction and retail industries, were laid in a 25 square meters store of construc...
The philosophy of öZYURTLAR Group of Companies: 'Work will find the one who deserves it.' We aim to the determine the requirements of our customers continuously and meet them in the best way and help...
We feel the righteous proud of being one of the distinguished and favored service intuitions operating in our country, thanks to our quality and active services. The values we have adopted to create a...
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY OF OUR COMPANY As öZYURTLAR Group of Companies, with the improving conditions of competition, we pull out all the stops to adapt the current system to the modern ma...
We are a great team with the values such as honesty, dynamism, speed-adaptation to the changing conditions, work-orientation, and our cornerstones when establishing the team are: • To hire the r...